Tagged: nike

How Converse Sneakers Have Built a Community (Grade)

Converse has been around for over a hundred years simply because they have kept up with changing world. Originally, Converse were worn on the courts, then on concert stages, now the sneakers have been worn on the red carpet. From sport to fashion, the shoes have made a community of consumers of all different types. The parts needed to create a successful brand community are listed below from Patrick Hanlon’s book Primal Branding, which he goes over in a video along with ReelSEO’s Tim Schmoyer.

The Seven Aspects of the Primal Code

1. THE CREATION STORY- How it all started
In 1908, Marquis M. Converse opened the Converse Rubber Shoe Company, making winterized rubber soled boots and shoes for men, women, and children. It wasn’t until 1915 when the company started making athletic shoes and 1917 when Converse created the first ever basketball shoe called All Star which was the turning point for the company. Charles H. “Chuck” Taylor, a basketball player as a salesman and his signature made it onto the All Star patch of the high topped shoes. More information found here.

2. THE CREED- What they believe in
According to their About Us page, Converse believes deeply in individuality and not being kept to one definition or one style. This appears to be true because anyone could be seen wearing Converse and it wouldn’t be given a second thought whether or not it suits them. Recently, however teenagers have considered them not cool because they became “too trendy” and since Converse is all about individuality, there is clashing.

3. THE ICONS- How Converse is represented by their logos
The Cons sneakers and Chuck Taylor All Star logos both have stars in them and have been around for so long it is easy to see the logos and associate them with Converse.

4. THE RITUALS- What they do routinely
Converse customers expect consistency. Although there have been new styles and innovations of the classic shoes such as high heels or layered Converse, there is always the guarantee that the classic Chucks will always be available.

5. THE SACRED WORDS- Language used by company and consumers
Although not popular, Converse has termed themselves “sneakers” saying “Shoes are boring. Wear sneakers.” There are many nicknames for the different styles of Converse, such as “Chucks” for Chuck Taylor All Stars.

6. THE NONBELIEVERS- Who doesn’t want to wear Converse
Converse are suitable for all casual dress, but like with everything else there are always people who prefer another type of shoe. Vans shoes has been a big competitor of Converse and because Vans has its own stores they are able to interact with customers while Converse does not have that advantage.

If you asked the Converse who their leader is, they would most likely say it’s you, the person who wears the sneakers. Wearing Chuck Taylors and cons on a rock stage was not planned by Converse, it just happened. Making them socially acceptable to wear anywhere was decided by the people. However, along the way, many famous faces have represented Converse to start and continue trends like this. Marquis Converse was the original face of the brand, but with a few different styles of shoes comes a different person to represent the styles. Chuck Taylor for basketball shoes and Jack Purcell for the Jack Purcell Converse. Nirvana, Paramore, All Time Low, and Green Day have band members that been seen wearing Converse. Here is a site that lists bands and singers that wear the sneakers.

Converse could use some improvements, especially in their “sacred words.” Having a language that is used by the consumer community forms a bond and stimulates communication among themselves. Other than that, Converse seems to still be doing pretty well, even though they are now owned by Nike, but they are definitely still marketing the individuality standpoint well.

Thank you for reading!